PaciFashions How-To video

February 10, 2010

Q Review, Baby Mae Boutique

I'm a little late this week in making my review, so forgive me, and enjoy.

I found a new shop that makes baby blankets, bibs, and burp cloths. This shop began on January 31st of this year, and doing great. There are only a few items listed, but she's listing them just as fast as they are being sold! She does have another shop that she's been running for a few months, and is transitioning her baby items to BabyMaeBoutique. There are some adorable items for little girls and some for little boys. Her prices are very agreeable, and her fabrics come in a wide variety.

While visiting BabyMaeBoutique and you're not seeing that exact item you want, you can visit the sold section of DecorNMore for examples of other blankets, bibs, and burp cloths. My favorite is this boys set, especially since its so hard to find adorable, stylish items for those handsome little boys out there. I hope that you enjoy BabyMaeBoutique.

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