PaciFashions How-To video

January 21, 2010

January-February 2010 Raffle

Ok, its official. I'm running the raffle. I didn't have any entries last time, but I have been trying to get my name out there, and make my shop known. If you have a funny story to tell about an accident with a pacifier, or just any sort of mayhem involving a little one and a pacifier enter it.

To make your entry qualify for the raffle make sure its entered on my PaciFashion fan page on FaceBook. Go to my Discussions page, and leave your entry under the topic of the raffle for this period. All entries must be submitted by February 5th, and the winner will be announced on February 7th. Good luck, and if you don't have a story to share, stop by my fan page anyway, and read up on everyone elses stories!

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